1. We hope you had a nice summer vacation filled with great memories and you got some well-deserved rest. The summer is almost over and the new school year is about to start, please don’t forget to register your children for religious education classes and Slovak language school.
2. Congratulations to Olivia Rios and Jorge Simon on their marriage this weekend at St. John Nepomucene.
3. A gentle reminder - please respect the celebration of the Mass by turning off all electronic devices, by keeping conversations to a minimum and by wearing modest attire.
4. If you have not yet made your offering to the Cardinal’s Appeal 2022, it is encouraged that you do so soon. Any questions or concerns about the Appeal may be directed by e-mail to Fr. Stefan at [email protected] or to Lisa Calabrese at [email protected].
5. If you don’t receive the parish E-Newsletter, please sign up! Send your e-mail address to [email protected] with your full name and the e-mail address where you would like to receive the e-News letter.
6. Please pray for peace in Ukraine.
1. Dúfame, že vaša letná dovolenka bola pekná, plná krásnych zážitkov a zaslúženého odpočinku. Leto pomaly končí a onedlho začne nový školský rok. Nezabudnite prihlásiť svoje deti na hodiny náboženskej výchovy a do slovenskej jazykovej školy.
2. Blahoželáme Olivii Rios a Jorge Simonovi k ich sobášu tento víkend v Kostole sv. Jána Nepomuckého.
3. Upozornenie - prosíme, rešpektujte slávenie svätej omše vypnutím všetkých elektronických zariadení, minimálnou konverzáciou a vhodným a dôstojným oblečením.
4. Ak ste ešte neobetovali milodar na „Cardinal’s Appeal 2022“, urobte tak čo najskôr. Ak máte nejaké otázky ohľadne tejto zbierky, pošlite email otcovi Štefanovi na adresu [email protected] alebo Lise Calabrese na adresu [email protected].
5. Ak nedostávate farský E-Newsletter, prosíme, zaregistrujte sa! Pošlite email na adresu [email protected] a uveďte v ňom svoje celé meno a emailovú adresu, na ktorú si prajete
E-Newsletter dostávať.
6. Prosíme, modlite sa za mier na Ukrajine.